Facebook coding Test Questions

1. You are given a list of numbers, and a target number k. Return whether or not there are two numbers in the list that add up to k.

Given [4, 7, 1 , -3, 2] and k = 5,
return true since 4 + 1 = 5.

2. Given a list of numbers, where every number shows up twice except for one number, find that one number.

Input: [4, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2]
Output: 1

3. Given a sequence of numbers, find the longest sequence that contains only 2 unique numbers.

Input: [1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 3, 1, 5]
Output: 4
The longest sequence that contains just 2 unique numbers is [3, 1, 3, 1]

4. Given an undirected graph, determine if a cycle exists in the graph.

5. Given an array nums, write a function to move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements.

Input: [0,1,0,3,12]
Output: [1,3,12,0,0]

6. Given a list, find the k-th largest element in the list.
Input: list = [3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 8], k = 3
Output: 5

7. You are given an array of integers. Return the smallest positive integer that is not present in the array. The array may contain duplicate entries.

For example, the input [3, 4, -1, 1] should return 2 because it is the smallest positive integer that doesn't exist in the array.

Your solution should run in linear time and use constant space.

8. You are given the root of a binary search tree. Return true if it is a valid binary search tree, and false otherwise. Recall that a binary search tree has the property that all values in the left subtree are less than or equal to the root, and all values in the right subtree are greater than or equal to the root.

9. Given a string, you need to reverse the order of characters in each word within a sentence while still preserving whitespace and initial word order.

Example 1:
Input: "The cat in the hat"
Output: "ehT tac ni eht tah"
Note: In the string, each word is separated by single space and there will not be any extra space in the string.

10. Given a sorted list of numbers, return a list of strings that represent all of the consecutive numbers.

Input: [0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 15]
Output: ['0->2', '5->5', '7->11', '15->15']
Assume that all numbers will be greater than or equal to 0, and each element can repeat.

11. Two words can be 'chained' if the last character of the first word is the same as the first character of the second word.

Given a list of words, determine if there is a way to 'chain' all the words in a circle.

Input: ['eggs', 'karat', 'apple', 'snack', 'tuna']
Output: True
The words in the order of ['apple', 'eggs', 'snack', 'karat', 'tuna'] creates a circle of chained words.

12. Starting at index 0, for an element n at index i, you are allowed to jump at most n indexes ahead. Given a list of numbers, find the minimum number of jumps to reach the end of the list.

Input: [3, 2, 5, 1, 1, 9, 3, 4]
Output: 2

The minimum number of jumps to get to the end of the list is 2:
3 -> 5 -> 4

13. You are given the root of a binary tree. Find the path between 2 nodes that maximizes the sum of all the nodes in the path, and return the sum. The path does not necessarily need to go through the root.

14. You are given an array of integers. Return all the permutations of this array.

15. Given a file path with folder names, '..' (Parent directory), and '.' (Current directory), return the shortest possible file path (Eliminate all the '..' and '.').

Input: '/Users/Joma/Documents/../Desktop/./../'
Output: '/Users/Joma/'

16. Given a directed graph, reverse the directed graph so all directed edges are reversed.

A -> B, B -> C, A ->C

B->A, C -> B, C -> A

17. Kaprekar's Constant is the number 6174. This number is special because it has the property where for any 4-digit number that has 2 or more unique digits, if you repeatedly apply a certain function it always reaches the number 6174.

This certain function is as follows:
- Order the number in ascending form and descending form to create 2 numbers.
- Pad the descending number with zeros until it is 4 digits in length.
- Subtract the ascending number from the descending number.
- Repeat.

18. Given a list of building in the form of (left, right, height), return what the skyline should look like. The skyline should be in the form of a list of (x-axis, height), where x-axis is the next point where there is a change in height starting from 0, and height is the new height starting from the x-axis.

19. Given an expression (as a list) in reverse polish notation, evaluate the expression. Reverse polish notation is where the numbers come before the operand. Note that there can be the 4 operands '+', '-', '*', '/'. You can also assume the expression will be well formed.

Input: [1, 2, 3, '+', 2, '*', '-']
Output: -9
The equivalent expression of the above reverse polish notation would be (1 - ((2 + 3) * 2)).

20. Given a list of words, for each word find the shortest unique prefix. You can assume a word will not be a substring of another word (ie play and playing won't be in the same words list)

Input: ['joma', 'john', 'jack', 'techlead']
Output: ['jom', 'joh', 'ja', 't']

21. Given an array and an integer k, rotate the array by k spaces. Do this without generating a new array and without using extra space.

22. A Sudoku board is a 9x9 grid, where each row, column and each 3x3 subbox contains the number from 1-9. Here's an example of a Sudoku board.

Given a 9x9 board, determine if it is a valid Sudoku board. The board may be partially filled, where an empty cell will be represented by the space character ' '

23. Given a number n, find the least number of squares needed to sum up to the number.

24. Given a list of meetings that will happen during a day, find the minimum number of meeting rooms that can fit all meetings.

Each meeting will be represented by a tuple of (start_time, end_time), where both start_time and end_time will be represented by an integer to indicate the time. start_time will be inclusive, and end_time will be exclusive, meaning a meeting of (0, 10) and (10, 20) will only require 1 meeting room.

25. Given a numerator and a denominator, find what the equivalent decimal representation is as a string. If the decimal representation has recurring digits, then put those digits in brackets (ie 4/3 should be represented by 1.(3) to represent 1.333...). Do not use any built in evaluator functions like python's eval. You can also assume that the denominator will be nonzero.

26. Given two binary numbers represented as strings, return the sum of the two binary numbers as a new binary represented as a string. Do this without converting the whole binary string into an integer.

27. Reshaping a matrix means to take the same elements in a matrix but change the row and column length. This means that the new matrix needs to have the same elements filled in the same row order as the old matrix. Given a matrix, a new row size x and a new column size y, reshape the matrix. If it is not possible to reshape, return None.

28. Given a matrix that is organized such that the numbers will always be sorted left to right, and the first number of each row will always be greater than the last element of the last row (mat[i][0] > mat[i - 1][-1]), search for a specific value in the matrix and return whether it exists.

29. Given a list of unique numbers, generate all possible subsets without duplicates. This includes the empty set as well.

30. Given a list of building in the form of (left, right, height), return what the skyline should look like. The skyline should be in the form of a list of (x-axis, height), where x-axis is the next point where there is a change in height starting from 0, and height is the new height starting from the x-axis.

31. Given an expression (as a list) in reverse polish notation, evaluate the expression. Reverse polish notation is where the numbers come before the operand. Note that there can be the 4 operands '+', '-', '*', '/'. You can also assume the expression will be well formed.

Input: [1, 2, 3, '+', 2, '*', '-']
Output: -9
The equivalent expression of the above reverse polish notation would be (1 - ((2 + 3) * 2)).

32. Given a list of unique numbers, generate all possible subsets without duplicates. This includes the empty set as well.

33. Given a number n, find the least number of squares needed to sum up to the number.

34. Kaprekar's Constant is the number 6174. This number is special because it has the property where for any 4-digit number that has 2 or more unique digits, if you repeatedly apply a certain function it always reaches the number 6174.

This certain function is as follows:
- Order the number in ascending form and descending form to create 2 numbers.
- Pad the descending number with zeros until it is 4 digits in length.
- Subtract the ascending number from the descending number.
- Repeat.

Given a number n, find the number of times the function needs to be applied to reach Kaprekar's constant. Here's some starter code:

35. Given an expression (as a list) in reverse polish notation, evaluate the expression. Reverse polish notation is where the numbers come before the operand. Note that there can be the 4 operands '+', '-', '*', '/'. You can also assume the expression will be well formed.

Input: [1, 2, 3, '+', 2, '*', '-']
Output: -9
The equivalent expression of the above reverse polish notation would be (1 - ((2 + 3) * 2)).

36. Given a list of words, for each word find the shortest unique prefix. You can assume a word will not be a substring of another word (ie play and playing won't be in the same words list)

Input: ['joma', 'john', 'jack', 'techlead']
Output: ['jom', 'joh', 'ja', 't']

37. Given an undirected graph, determine if a cycle exists in the graph.

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