Linkedin Coding Round Questions

1. You are given a positive integer N which represents the number of steps in a staircase. You can either climb 1 or 2 steps at a time. Write a function that returns the number of unique ways to climb the stairs.

2. Given a sorted list of numbers, change it into a balanced binary search tree. You can assume there will be no duplicate numbers in the list.

3. Given a 2-dimensional grid consisting of 1's (land blocks) and 0's (water blocks), count the number of islands present in the grid. The definition of an island is as follows:
1.) Must be surrounded by water blocks.
2.) Consists of land blocks (1's) connected to adjacent land blocks (either vertically or horizontally).
Assume all edges outside of the grid are water.


Output: 3

4. Write a function that reverses the digits a 32-bit signed integer, x. Assume that the environment can only store integers within the 32-bit signed integer range, [-2^31, 2^31 - 1]. The function returns 0 when the reversed integer overflows.

Input: 123
Output: 321

5. Given a string, rearrange the string so that no character next to each other are the same. If no such arrangement is possible, then return None.

Input: abbccc
Output: cbcbca

6. Given a non-empty array where each element represents a digit of a non-negative integer, add one to the integer. The most significant digit is at the front of the array and each element in the array contains only one digit. Furthermore, the integer does not have leading zeros, except in the case of the number '0'.

Input: [2,3,4]
Output: [2,3,5]

7. By the way, check out our NEW project AlgoPro ( for over 60+ video coding sessions with ex-Google/ex-Facebook engineers.

Given a binary tree, find the most frequent subtree sum.


/ \
1   -3

The above tree has 3 subtrees. The root node with 3, and the 2 leaf nodes, which gives us a total of 3 subtree sums. The root node has a sum of 1 (3 + 1 + -3), the left leaf node has a sum of 1, and the right leaf node has a sum of -3. Therefore the most frequent subtree sum is 1.

If there is a tie between the most frequent sum, you can return any one of them.

8. Given two rectangles, find the area of intersection.

9. Given a list of numbers and an integer k, partition/sort the list such that the all numbers less than k occur before k, and all numbers greater than k occur after the number k.

10. Given a string, convert it to an integer without using the builtin str function. You are allowed to use ord to convert a character to ASCII code.

Consider all possible cases of an integer. In the case where the string is not a valid integer, return None.

11. Given a list of points as a tuple (x, y) and an integer k, find the k closest points to the origin (0, 0).

12. You are only allowed to perform 2 operations, multiply a number by 2, or subtract a number by 1. Given a number x and a number y, find the minimum number of operations needed to go from x to y.

13. Given a binary tree, find the minimum depth of the binary tree. The minimum depth is the shortest distance from the root to a leaf.

14. Given a binary tree, find the minimum depth of the binary tree. The minimum depth is the shortest distance from the root to a leaf.

15. Given a non-empty array where each element represents a digit of a non-negative integer, add one to the integer. The most significant digit is at the front of the array and each element in the array contains only one digit. Furthermore, the integer does not have leading zeros, except in the case of the number '0'.

Input: [2,3,4]
Output: [2,3,5]

16. Given a string, convert it to an integer without using the builtin str function. You are allowed to use ord to convert a character to ASCII code.

Consider all possible cases of an integer. In the case where the string is not a valid integer, return None.

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