Mastering Rectangle Area Calculation in C, C++, Java, and Python: A Comprehensive Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating efficient programs to calculate and display the area of a rectangle. We'll explore implementations in four popular languages: C, C++, Java, and Python. Follow along as we delve into each language to showcase the versatility of this fundamental geometric calculation.

Problem Statement:

Develop a program that efficiently calculates and displays the area of a rectangle. The program should prompt users for the length and width of the rectangle and use a function to compute the area based on the provided inputs.

Sample Input/Output:

Sample InputSample Output
Enter Length: 5 Enter Width: 8Area: 40
Enter Length: 10 Enter Width: 12Area: 120
Enter Length: 7 Enter Width: 9Area: 63
Enter Length: 8 Enter Width: 15Area: 120


    1. Start

    2. Prompt user for the length of the rectangle

    3. Read and store the length value

    4. Prompt user for the width of the rectangle

    5. Read and store the width value

    6. Calculate the area using the formula: Area = Length * Width

    7. Display the calculated area

    8. End

C Programming:

Objective: In this C programming tutorial, we'll utilize the provided length and width inputs to calculate and showcase the area of a rectangle. This implementation ensures precision and efficiency.

#include <stdio.h> // Function to calculate rectangle area int calculateRectangleArea(int length, int width) { return length * width; } int main() { int length, width; // Prompt user for rectangle dimensions printf("Enter Length: "); scanf("%d", &length); printf("Enter Width: "); scanf("%d", &width); // Calculate and display rectangle area using the function printf("Area: %d\n", calculateRectangleArea(length, width)); return 0; }


Enter Length: 5 Enter Width: 8 Area: 40

C++ Programming:

Objective: In this C++ programming tutorial, we'll leverage the provided length and width to calculate and present the area of a rectangle. The implementation emphasizes readability and functionality.

#include <iostream> // Function to calculate rectangle area int calculateRectangleArea(int length, int width) { return length * width; } int main() { int length, width; // Prompt user for rectangle dimensions std::cout << "Enter Length: "; std::cin >> length; std::cout << "Enter Width: "; std::cin >> width; // Calculate and display rectangle area using the function std::cout << "Area: " << calculateRectangleArea(length, width) << std::endl; return 0; }


Enter Length: 10 Enter Width: 12 Area: 120

Java Programming:

Objective: This Java programming tutorial utilizes the input length and width to calculate and present the area of a rectangle. The implementation focuses on efficiency and adheres to Java's readability standards.

import java.util.Scanner; public class RectangleArea { // Function to calculate rectangle area static int calculateRectangleArea(int length, int width) { return length * width; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; int length, width; // Prompt user for rectangle dimensions System.out.print("Enter Length: "); length = scanner.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter Width: "); width = scanner.nextInt(); // Calculate and display rectangle area using the function System.out.println("Area: " + calculateRectangleArea(length, width)); } }


Enter Length: 7 Enter Width: 9 Area: 63

Python Programming:

Objective: In this Python programming tutorial, we utilize the user input length and width to calculate and showcase the area of a rectangle. The implementation emphasizes simplicity and readability.

# Function to calculate rectangle area def calculate_rectangle_area(length, width): return length * width if __name__ == "__main__": length = int(input("Enter Length: ")) width = int(input("Enter Width: ")) # Calculate and display rectangle area using the function print("Area:", calculate_rectangle_area(length, width))


Enter Length: 8 Enter Width: 15 Area: 120

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